Pelican - Lathe Biosas

Pelican are a post-metal band from Chicago and they're back on April 10th with a new ep titled 'Ataraxia/Taraxis'.

I've always like Pelican, despite the drumming always seems to be inconsistent with the rest of the group. But they seem to becoming increasingly more riff based as they progress. With their new song off an upcoming ep, this is highly evident. Lathe Biosas is as much a standard rock song as any other out there, and to me it just cries out for vocals.

Pelican have always been an instrumental group, but for a long time I've felt they needed to bite the bullet and hire a vocalist to fit into their now basic structured approach. I do like the song, but without vocals it just feels empty.

They've come a long way since the days of 'Australasia' and since then they've lost what made them special.


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