Andrew Bird - Break It Yourself

Andrew Bird has not long released his sixth studio album. I did say back in January that I didn't like his new single 'Eyeoneye'. It just felt like a weak track for him, especially for a choice as a single. That didn't give me hopes for his new album to be one of his best, but I have faith in that Bird is a massively talented individual and I admire him very much. This musical talent shines through on his new album 'Break It Yourself' in every aspect. Even though I thought Eyeoneye was too much familiar ground, the album itself I feel does very good at exploring new territory while still sounding very much like Bird. Andrew Bird just wouldn't simply be himself if he didn't whistle on at least every other track.

The songs show a lot more complex and experimental side to Bird, while still sounding simple and accessible. I wouldn't go as far to say this is his best work, as I haven't had the opportunity to truly let this album set in my mind yet. I think that this album is one that deserves time to breathe and grow to really see the the effort and musicianship put into it. I must say though, that the song 'Near Death Experience Experience' has quickly become one of my favourite Andrew Bird songs.

I think I am too stuck in the past though, as I will always look at his third album, 'The Mysterious Production of Eggs' for inspiration. It's probably because that album contains one of my favourite songs of all time. Considering I listen to thousands upon thousands of hours of music, that's pretty special. That was the album that made me love Andrew Bird and everything else is just struggling to compete. Then again, it's just an opinion.


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