Tomahawk - Oddfellows

It's been half a decade since we last saw Tomahawk, and what a return to form. A lot of people may have been put off when their last full length effort broke the formula of the band so drastically that people could have labelled it just another Mike Patton experiment. But let's not forget (like so many do) this is a Duane Denison led group first and Mike Patton second, and this is evident in the sound of Oddfellows. This time around there's also a new player in mix. After the departure of Kevin Rutmanis during the recording sessions of Anonymous, Trevor Dunn picks up the reigns as bassist. Being a fan of Trevor Dunn for years, especially from his work in Mr. Bungle, this was an exciting prospect.

Their fourth album Oddfellows, is a lot more structured as a rock album than Anonymous and echoes back to their debut self titled record. It's even a contender for their best.

I was a little unsure when they released the single 'Stone Letter' last year. Something about it just seemed too simple of a rock song for Tomahawk to have written. After hearing the whole record however, it is much more content in the mix. This album flows from high note to high note, with every song being on rotation for favourite. It's hardly a surprise when you get together four musicians at the top of their game. Welcome back Tomahawk.


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